Understanding, Serving Veterans’ Needs

Today’s guest editorial in the Cedar Rapids Gazette comes from our own Five Seasons Stand Down Board President, Don Tyne.  Don Tyne is also the Director of Linn County Veteran Affairs.

Don has worked diligently and tirelessly to shed light on the issue of homelessness and near-homelessness amongst our Veterans. This article helps bring awareness to these issues, but also very clearly states that Iowans are very fortunate to have folks like Don Tyne and his staff working to alleviate these problems for our Veterans.

To the many, many folks who work with our Veterans, “Thank You”.  To those folks who have not yet educated themselves on these issues within our community, I ask you to please visit our Volunteer tab on this website and come spend a few hours with us on September 5th, 2014, at our 9th Annual Five Seasons Stand Down and see the work being done on behalf of our Nation’s Heroes.


All of Iowa’s 99 counties have county veteran service offices that assist veterans. As the VA director for Linn County, I interact with many of the county service officers across the state and can say with confidence that Iowa’s county service officers take pride in their work and have a passion for serving veterans, listening to their concerns and helping them in any way we can. Like me, many of the service officers are veterans themselves.


To read the article in its entirety, please see more at: http://thegazette.com/subject/opinion/guest-columnists/understanding-serving-veterans-needs-20140703#sthash.jzkT9ayQ.dpuf


Contact: don.tyne@linncounty.org

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